Le clip vidéo de la campagne Obama 2012

clip video hd campagne presidentielle Barack Obama 2012 USA

Parler politique n’est pas l’objectif de cet article, la vidéo pour la campagne de réélection de Barack Obama est simplement très bien montée et mérite d’y consacrer deux minutes. Qu’on adhère ou pas à ses idées, ce clip affiche des prises de vue parfaites,  un assemblage rythmé comme une superproduction hollywoodienne et des arguments percutants comme les principales actions réalisées par Mister Obama depuis 2008.


We’ve accomplished so much since Election Day 2008, but let’s make sure we finish the job together in 2012. Election Day 2012 is exactly one year from this week. That’s why we’re not waiting to build this campaign. Watch the video, then commit to volunteer and say you’ll be with us in 2012.


2012 Presidential Election: Volunteer for Barack Obama’s Campaign


Quelques extraits :

Since Election Day 2008, we’ve:
• Saved over one million jobs in the U.S. auto industry
• 20 consecutive months of job creation
• Took the fight to Al-Qaeda
• Reduced and secured nuclear weapons
• Passed health reform, lowering costs and insuring 32 million
• Ended « Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell »:
• Nominated first Latina to Supreme Court
• Doubled college grants, now for 9 million students
• New Protections against credit card companies
• New 54.5 MPG fuel standards, saving $8,200 per family
• Reined in Wall Street –ended taxpayer bailouts
• Ending the war in Iraq

I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to — it belongs to you. It belongs to you.

It is only the chance for us to make that change.